
Showing posts from February, 2018

Brand Story

1    What is a brand story and what makes a good brand story? 1. Speak truthfully. Honesty and transparency are important in brand storytelling. Yes, you're crafting "stories," but they need to be rooted in the reality of your brand, products, and industry. In other words, even brand stories must adhere to the three primary steps of brand-building: consistency, persistence, and restraint. If your brand stories are inconsistent, they'll confuse consumers who will turn away from the brand in search of another that meets their expectations for it in every interaction. Be creative but don't stray too far from your brand promise. Confusion is the number one brand killer. 2. Infuse personalities into stories. Brand stories are not marketing materials. They are not ads, and they are not sales pitches. Brand stories should be told with the brand persona and the writer's personality at center stage. Boring stories won't attract and retain readers, but

Brand Architecture

Compare the brand strategies and architectures of different companies. How and why are they different?  The brand relationship spectrum: The key to the brand architecture challenge Aaker, David A   Joachimsthaler, Erich .  California Management Review ; Berkeley  Vol. 42, Iss. 4,   (Summer 2000): 8-23. Brand architecture is an organising structure of the brand portfolio that specifies brand roles and the nature of relationship between brands. “ The   house of  brands  strategy involves an independent set of stand-alone  brands , each maximizing  the  impact on a market. Procter & Gamble is a house of  brands  that operates over 80 major  brands , largely with little link to P&G or to each other. In doing so, P&G sacrifices  the  economies of scale and synergies that come with leveraging a  brand  across multiple businesses. In addition, those  brands  that cannot support investment themselves (especially  the  third or fourth P&G entry in a cate